We apologise for the inconvenience. The Anne Maree Court Care Home website is currently in development and coming soon. We are excited to announce that we have undergone a change in ownership, ensuring a new and improved experience for our residents and their families.
During this transition period, we understand the importance of maintaining open lines of communication. Should you have any inquiries, we kindly ask that you reach out to us using the following contacts.
For general inquiries, admissions or tours, please contact the General Manager:
Email: manager@annemareecourt.co.nz
Phone: 09 418 3118 or 027 466 9553
To contact the Clinical Manager:
Email: clinical@annemareecourt.co.nz
Phone: 022 300 4782
We appreciate your understanding and cannot wait to unveil our newly revamped website, with helpful information about our quality care services and comfortable living arrangements for our valued residents. Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for your patience.
Warm regards,
Anne Maree Court Care Home